Navigating the complex world of insurance can feel like wandering through a labyrinth, but fear not, for we have a seasoned guide, Ben Tuinei, a venerable expert in the field. He’s our beacon of clarity, revealing the hidden workings of the assignment of benefits, a magical concept that can ease your financial burdens.

Picture this: you enter a doctor’s practice, and instead of paying the full treatment fee upfront, you only part with the estimated co-payment. Here comes the trick – the rest of the payment disappears into thin air! Well, not exactly. Ben unveils the secret: it’s the assignment of benefits at play. The doctor takes on the arduous task of claiming insurance reimbursement, leaving you carefree.

But beware, brave soul, for this enchantment only works within the hallowed network. Venture outside, and the spell breaks! The insurance carriers may keep their magic coins, sending them directly to you. Now, the doctor seeks your aid, and the path becomes treacherous. Prepare wisely when journeying out of network, for understanding the rules can shield you from the insurance maze’s perils and ensure your coins return home.


  • 00:02:04 – What is “Assignment of Benefits,” and the rules for assignment of benefits for in-network or out-of-network?
  • 00:06:45 – Is it legal for Insurance plans not to accept the assignment of benefits unless you are in-network? 
  • 00:08:02 – What’s the motivation for Insurance plans not to accept the assignment of benefit out of network?
  • 00:11:57 – What is the overall attitude of Insurance plans toward out-of-network providers? 
  • 00:16:45 – In time, have relationships improved between Insurance and doctors from an out-of-network perspective?
  • 00:18:53 – What resources are available to those seeking to transition out of network with PPO plans?


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